3 Questions To Ask Before You Install A Run-In Shelter

Posted on: 4 August 2018

Thinking about building a run-in shelter for your horses? That could be a wise idea, especially if your horses are able to roam a large swath of land. The run-in shelter provides a safe place for them to lay down, get some shade, and possibly even eat and drink. The best part of a run-in shelter is that they're fairly simple structures. Most have walls on three sides and a slanted roof. [Read More]

Swim Lessons For Toddlers: Lifesaving Skills

Posted on: 3 August 2018

If you're a parent of a toddler, few things likely scare you more than unsupervised access to water. Fortunately, even children as young as 3 can begin learning lifesaving water survival skills. These skills are something you can practice with them before they even start taking formal swimming lessons. Here are some basics you can work on with your toddler that are often the first things they learn when they take swim lessons. [Read More]

Out Of State Favorite MLB Team In The Playoffs? 2 Tips To Get You To The Game

Posted on: 2 August 2018

If your favorite Major League Baseball (MLB) team is out of state and playing in the playoffs and you want to go, you should take steps now to get ready. Because it is a playoff game this type of sporting event will likely be very crowded and tickets will likely sell out quickly. To help you make it to the event, below are two tips to get you to the game. [Read More]

Save Lives With First Aid Gunshot Kits & Stop The Bleed Training For Your Facility

Posted on: 31 July 2018

Everyone can agree with the fact that first responders to mass shooting events need to be fast in order to reduce the number of casualties due to bleeding. While the average response time to a school that is having an active shooter event is 12.5 minutes, it can only take several minutes for a victim to succumb to gunshot wounds. Since it can be extremely difficult for first responders to arrive quicker, first aid gunshot wound kits stationed around the building, as well as individuals trained to use them, can save lives. [Read More]