Important Things To Check Before Using An Automatic Deer Feeder That's Been In Storage

Posted on: 20 July 2018

Last year, your automatic deer feeder served you very well. Maybe it even helped you land that trophy buck. But the thing has been in storage since last open season, which means you may have to give it a little attention before using the feeder again. Here are a few important things to check out before using your automatic deer feeder from a company like Boss Buck after it has been stored for a prolonged period. [Read More]

What Are Some Important Things To Do Before Riding A Bike On Different Cycling Trails?

Posted on: 20 July 2018

Do you want to start using your bicycle to exercise more? If you enjoy riding a bike and are looking to get in shape, cycling is a great way to do just that. However, you may prefer riding on trails instead of riding on the streets where you would have stop at red lights and watch out for pedestrians. Before you go off on a cycling adventure, there are some ways to make sure you are fully prepared for a nice bicycle workout routine where you may be riding for several hours at a time. [Read More]

Four Reasons To Pursue Falconry As A Hobby

Posted on: 19 July 2018

If you ask most people to name hobbies, falconry is not one that will come up often. Falconry can be expensive, and it is definitely demanding, which may be why it is nowhere near as common as dog training, horseback riding, or golf. However, in spite of its cost and demanding nature, falconry does offer a lot of benefits for those involved. Here are four reasons to pursue falconry as a hobby. [Read More]

Three Signs That You're Ready To Move From The Range To The First Tee

Posted on: 18 July 2018

For those who are learning to play golf, the driving range should be the first place that you start. While you might be eager to head to your local course, doing so prematurely is apt to yield an experience that is frustrating to you and to the players behind you. Many golf instructors advocate spending plenty of hours at the driving range before you step foot on an actual golf course. [Read More]